started using these tools a couple months ago and have found them very
effective in moving a lot of metal with less effort. My personal apprentice
is a 7-month technician with very little experience when it comes to large
dents but since he began using the softtip tools his confidence has gone
way up. I was a skeptic at first due to the price and having tried nylon
tips in the past which did not impress me and besides I would just use
3M tape on the larger dents and not have to buy more tools. Steve Hopf
suggested I give them a try and I purchased the 24" double bend with
the 3 extensions. Some time later I had a 2002 Subaru outback with a good
size dent right at the lower edge of the fender. I though that the dent
would be a struggle due to the depth and location but I used the tool
and was happily surprised at how easy it was.
These tools are best suited for direct pushing as side pushes have a
tendency to wear out the tips more quickly. The tips last a long time
when used directly. I have provided insurance adjusters a demonstration
with these tools and the advantages are obvious as the ecoat is not likely
to be damaged with these tips. Nylon tips also protect the panel but I
find they slip too easily, especially if you have a sharp dent. The caps
work better than tape because these tips are machined to fit the cap.
Tape wears much more early. The dent may need to be finished with the
cap off to work the orange peel into place. It may take you some time
finding exactly were you are pushing due to the large amount of surface
contact with the dent but it's not likely to be a problem. In fact you
be surprised at how easy those big dents come up.
Ordering Info: (909) 784-9905
fax (909) 784-9906
Ultra Dent Tools
4071 Maplewood Pl.