What exactly is Paintless Dent Removal?
Paintless Dent Removal, or PDR, is the art of removing small dings and
dents from vehicles without using paint or fillers. The damaged area of
the panel is meticulously massaged out from the backside to its original
form. There is no heat, dry ice, suction, or magnetism used to remove
the dent. PDR originated in auto factories in Europe many years ago. Today,
an experienced and talented PDR technician is capable of removing dents
up to 3 feet in diameter and still achieve excellent results.
What is the Dent Network?
The Dent Network was created by Cale Guin in 1997. The original idea
was to help consumers and PDR companies find one another. The Dent Network
was intended to be a part-time business aimed at promoting quality and
integrity in the PDR business. It became quite apparent that PDR companies
were in need of help and that the technicians felt isolated and left out
in the cold by their respective training facilities.
Within months the Dent Network was producing a large number of hits with
very little promotion. Currently, our biggest source of interest is coming
from people looking for information on PDR training. Since the reputation
of training facilities is less than stellar, the Dent Network has been
giving the majority of its attention to training inquiries intended to
help consumers find reliable PDR training. Unfortunately, we were severely
understaffed, and realized that as a service to the PDR industry, it would
be best if the operation was turned over to another company that could
handle this site and maintain the integrity and ethics that were the original
intentions of the Dent Network.