If you have been thinking about learning the art of Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) and would like to know the pros and cons, you have come to the right place! To be perfectly candid, while we help direct you to find a good training school, we feel there is not much need for any more PDR technicians to be trained in the U.S. Most areas of the country are saturated now. PDR schools will not tell you this truth, because they still want to take your money.

List of Training Companies

What to ask a training facility:

If you are going to get trained, do your homework and research the schools thoroughly.

  • Ask for long term trainee referrals.
  • How many years has the school been in business?
  • Can the instructors actually do PDR instead of just train?
  • Does the training company do PDR repairs?
  • How many years experience do their instructors have?

Recently the Dent Network decided to tend to all the inquiries regarding PDR training companies. We set out to find the best of the best. After interviewing literally hundreds of PDR technicians from all over the country, we were extremely disappointed that very few technicians were comfortable referring the company that trained them.

The stories of shoddy business practices were numerous and evenly directed throughout the PDR industry. The most daunting and frequently heard complaint was that technicians could rarely run a business or even take out a dent for that matter. With virtually no ongoing support and over-inflated prices, almost every technician we interviewed said they felt "ripped off" or "taken" by their chosen PDR training facility.

Without naming names, it is safe to say the quality of training for most any "big name" training company is mediocre at best. In fact, we are still unable in good conscience to refer hardly anyone to most of the big name training companies. We have found, it seems, the bigger the school the poorer the training.