Welcome to the Hall of Shame. These are pictures of unprofessional PDR
hack jobs. The Dent Network encourages proper training and practice of
PDR, so take these pictures as examples of what NOT to do!
is a Toyota Tercel that came into a reputable PDR shop as you see it now.
The customer asked the shop owner what was "growing" on his
door. The paint was cracked and mounded up. The crown has not even been
knocked down and this vehicle can now only be repaired by a body shop.
Someone had taken a stab at this dent but only ruined what could have
been a sucessful PDR repair.

A Chevrolet extended cab truck. This is the roof panel
with about 130 holes in it.
Can you say lawsuit? The roofs on these particular models have two panels
of sheet metal and access is limited. This vehicle should have been declined.

This is the bed of a Chevy S10 with a big old hole on the inside of the
bed that was not even plugged. Bad PDR on top of bad access! This dent
should have been accessed from the underside of the bed even though it
is a difficult angle to work at. Removing the tail light would not have
offered much better access due to the distance from the rear of the bed.
Again this is a case of a dent that could have been repaired by a qualified
technician if they would have gotten to it first.

Glue Cutter left behind in a Ford Escort. The vehicle was repaired
at a hail site in Minnesota last year. Is anyone missing a tool? Makes
you wonder what else was left behind.
